Our Staff

Our purpose at Calvary Baptist Preschool is to serve the children and their parents with excellence and love!

As our teachers and staff serve the children and their families, they are taught to encourage each other to grow spiritually and become servant-leader role models. It does not take long for even a new Calvary staff member to learn that we are the ones who truly receive – for it is in giving that we receive.

“I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

 “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40

We provide many support services in order to truly promote the spiritual, physical, social, mental and emotional growth and development of each child. We try to cultivate an effective partnership with parents in order to most effectively help in the rearing of their children. This partnership works best when school staff and parents work together to encourage the highest level of growth and development for their child.

Our staff is dedicated to helping each child:

  • Develop a positive self-image
  • Develop language skills to express thoughts and feelings and to increase knowledge
  • Develop social skills so that he/she can successfully work and play with other children and adults
  • Develop mental skills to increase learning and academic success

Staff Requirements:

  • All staff members undergo a reference check and must be fingerprinted before they are hired.
  • Lead Teachers at the Center must have a minimum of five years experience working in the field of early childhood education.
  • The Lead Teacher is responsible for the supervision and management of a classroom in accordance with the goals and curriculum of Calvary Baptist Preschool.
  • Assistant Teachers must have or be in the process of getting a high school diploma and at least one year of experience. The Assistant Teacher will help the Lead Teacher in providing a warm and nurturing environment for the children.

Our Team

Sid Main


Beth Glover


Angela Lawson

Assistant Director

Tracy Jensen

Financial Assistant

Elisabeth Perdue

Staff Coordinator

Kelsey Queen

K4A Lead

Sarah Edwards

K4A Assistant

Sienna Lawson

K4B Lead

Hayley Clay

PS3 Lead

Bryanna Smith

PS3 Assistant

Amber Harger

PS2A Lead

Courtney Mabe

PS2A Assistant

Hannah Spainhour

PS2B Lead

Helen Wall

PS2B Assistant

Rebecca Tucker

PS1 Lead

Deanna More

PS1 Lead

Debra Thacker

PS1 Assistant

Abby Vargas


Kyndyl Collins


Belinda Velazquez


Hannah Simpson


Jessica Mann


Emily Hernandez


Annette Wall


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